A match anytime. Court Culture is a social outdoor sports start-up with the goal of solving societal problems. With a permanently cost-free application for public sports grounds, free-time sports are made exciting and engaging. The film features the sports league and the interactive map - the core of the app.
45 sec. / UHD / 2.40:1
with Julia Rohn, Yago Soritz
Production: Torben Hecht, Julius Schmitt
Script and Directing: Chris Roemer
D.O.P.: Joshua Burkert
Editing and VFX: Chris Roemer
Sound Design and Mix: Chris Roemer
Music: Martin Kohlstedt
With thanks to Lars Hecht, Moritz Tscherne, Martin Supnig, Charlotte Klinger, Michael Strasser, Zamir Mohammad Zamir, Elias Amiri, Masud Omari and Carina Lorenzoni.